About 物の怪

She is a legendary leader of Inus, over three centuries old, reigning as the supreme sovereign of the Inus. Blessed with extraordinary might and profound intellect, she also possesses the rare gift of understanding and articulating the languages of humans. Her grand vision encompasses the conquest of the entire Inus domain and the mystical Ethereum network, a realm of digital wonders. In her epic journey, the formidable and mythical Moro stands unchallenged, her path to glory and supremacy seemingly preordained by the fates themselves.

The revival of Mononoke Inu is lead by holders of the old Mononoke. They got tired of empty game promises and profit taking devs.

  • Ticker

  • Contract



  • Chain

  • Taxes:

    1% Buy | 1% Sell
  • Liquidity

    7M Locked
  • Supply


Mononoke: The Game

Welcome to "The Legend of Mononoke", a retro pixel game inspired by the iconic anime, Princess Mononoke. Experience a nostalgic journey with our 8-bit graphics that bring to life a world rich in ancient lore and environmental wonder. Our game is a masterpiece in world-building, artfully blending the captivating universe of the film into a vibrant, interactive adventure.

Embark on dynamic battles, channeling the fierce spirit of Princess Mononoke, and face a variety of mythical foes. The storytelling in "The Legend of Mononoke" is nothing short of exceptional. We stay true to the anime's narrative while introducing unique plot twists and characters, ensuring a fresh yet familiar experience.

Coming 2024


1. Pre-Launch
  • ● Concept Development
  • ● Team Building
  • ● Socials launch
  • ● Socials Building
  • ● Website release
  • ● Launch on DEX
2. Marketing & Awareness I
  • ◦ Community building
  • ◦ DexTools update
  • ◦ Influencer Marketing
  • ◦ Trending Channels
  • ◦ Banners
  • ◦ Adds
3. Marketing & Awareness II
  • ◦ "Mononoke: The Game" release
  • ◦ CMC Listing
  • ◦ CG Listing
  • ◦ Other Research Platforms Listings
  • ◦ Advanced Influencer Marketing
4. More Utilities
  • ◦ Mononoke Staking
  • ◦ Mononoke DAO
  • ◦ Mononoke Charity
  • ◦ Mononoke Blog
  • ◦ NFT Collateral for Loans